The first time I saw Hotline TNT perform was during the summer of 2022 in my hometown of San Diego, California. After discovering that the band was fronted by Will Anderson (a.k.a. Flip Sandy) of the legendary Vancouver band Weed, I immediately bought tickets to their closest show, despite knowing none of the music under the new moniker. On a tour poster sporting their mascot, an illustrated alien figure, holding a peace sign-shaped mace, the concert was described as a “generator show” at a secret location. This alone was enough to allure me. The day of the gig, I received an email with detailed instructions on how to reach the newly revealed venue–an abandoned bridge above the Cabrillo Freeway, next to Balboa Park. It appeared that getting there required veering off a trail, trekking down the side of a rocky hill, and entering the graffitied premise through a gap in a chain-link fence. Needless to say, there were probably quite a few trespassing laws broken that night. As the sun went down, Hotline TNT went on. Lit only by the headlights of cars passing below and the occasional flashes from point-and-shoot cameras, I watched the band as they created this physical harmony of never-ending, beautiful sound. I saw for the first time that shoegaze didn’t need to be defined by thirty-year-old bands from far-off countries. Here it was, now right in front of me, unfettered and exhilarating. I left the show with a ringing in my ears that remained for two days and an indescribable feeling in my chest. My life had suddenly split in two. There was before Hotline TNT, and there was after.
Now, it’s just about nine months later, and I recently had the pleasure of attending my third Hotline TNT show on April 1st at Project Reach in Chinatown, New York. Boasting a lineup of local act Phantasia, Omaha hardcore group Bib, and the ever-elusive Harrison Patrick Smith (a.k.a. The Dare), along with Hotline TNT. The show was the perfect mix of loud, energetic, and aggressive. Before doors, I got the chance to sit down and chat with Will and most of Hotline TNT’s current lineup including Sarah, Maria, and Jack (Chewie), as they ate some pre-show pizza.
Here’s what went down:

[Note: This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.]
Can we start off by everyone introducing themselves?
Sarah: Hi, I’m Sarah, I play bass. I’m really excited for tonight, and here’s…
Maria: Hi, I’m Maria. I play guitar. I’m really excited for tonight, and here’s…
Will: …Will, and I also play guitar and I’m very excited for tonight…
M: And he’s the singer!
W: And I’m pretty nervous too.
Why are you nervous?
W: Just like, I kinda organized the show, and I just want it to go smoothly and I’m worried that the venue people might be stressed out or something.
M: Can I say something as well? So my parents are coming tonight and my mom is so mean to me all the time, but she also loves me a lot. But this venue is… she’s going to be afraid. She’s going to be scared. But I think it’s gonna be awesome. I love this venue. It’s gonna be awesome vibes.
I’ve never been to this venue before, what’s it like?
S: It’s a big room!
W: It’s just a room basically, it’s not scary. It’s just like four walls. It’s pretty punk rock.
O.K. now let’s just get into things… You guys were just at South by Southwest, how did that go?
W: I thought it was really fun. We had a blast. We played eight shows in three days. I thought it was fruitful.
Was it your first time there?
W: First time with this band, yeah.
S: It was my second time at South by and it was way better than my first time. It was one of the best times I’ve had in a while recently. Like, it was New York but in Texas.
What were your favorite bands that you saw perform there?–if you got to catch any shows.
W: [To Sarah] It sounds like you have an answer.
S: TAGABOW from Philly. They are gutting a body of water. Yup.
W: I hate to admit it but, she’s right.
M: They’re really good! Also Poison Ruïn was really good. Model/Actriz I thought was good. Shoutout to everyone that played–
W: Mary Jane was good.
M: Mary Jane was really good. She’s amazing.
S: Die Spitz. Also Frost Children tore it up. It was really awesome.
W: Yeah, I guess we can’t pick a favorite.
The show tonight is in celebration of the two newest songs that came out today, yeah?
W: Actually that was kind of like an afterthought, I just kinda made it seem that way. But, we just wanted to throw a big show, kind of a celebration of the turning of the weather and the season. Bib is from Omaha, so we kind of flew them out here for the show. We just wanted to throw a really cool, big all ages show. That was it.
Well, you have a new album coming soon, I believe?
W: I believe so, yes.
I was wondering if you could come up with three words to describe the new album.
W: Maybe let’s all do one word?
M: To describe what?
W: The new album!
Are you guys all playing on it?
W: They don’t play on it but they know it, they’ve heard it a lot.
M: We play the songs on it tonight!
W: Three words to describe it though… I know you have words… Three words to describe it…What did Jan say about it?
M: I can read you a text from my friend that I sent it to and see what she said… She said: “So sweet. Heartwarming. A banger-filled album. I love…”
W: That’s it! Leave it there.
M: “Zamn!”
What is your favorite song that you ever wrote? For any band, any context.
W: Hmmm… we all have solo projects. Do you want me to go first?
M: You go first!
W: My newest song is my favorite. It’s on this new CD, “If We Keep Hanging Out.”
I really liked that one!
W: Oh, thank you! I think you should always be in your favorite bands. That’s kind of my mantra. And every new album should be your favorite, hopefully. So, I’m going to stick with that for my answer.
S: I’m going to also say my newest song that I’m working on with Harrison Patrick Smith. Shoutout him! Yeah, just look out for that!
W: Is it a new one? Have we heard it?
S: It’s called ‘Pretend’.
[To Sarah] I know you are going to have more solo music soon…
S: I am! I’m really excited about it. I feel like it’s fucking about time that I do because I’ve been in this scene for so long and playing in so many bands but yeah, I’m working on it! I’ve got a busy life. I’m also still in school. But it’s coming, so, just wait.
I’m excited! Are you going to have any shows?
S: Definitely, definitely! We’re going to form a supergroup of a band.
M: I also have a solo project. I also would just like to make more music but I’m also in school right now and working. But, I like the song I made! I just want it to be as heavy and loud as possible.
W: Four song EP coming in…
M: Four song EP coming in July depending on what job I decide to do during the summer and how much time I have.
What’s the name of your solo project? Is it just your name?
M: I don’t know, I don’t know. I need to change the name! I had a name but we’re switching it.
S: I liked Piglett!
M: It was originally Piglett with two t’s but I don’t know, we’ll see!
What bands do you guys like right now that you think deserve more recognition?
S: I mean, I’ve probably said this in every interview where they’ve asked me this but MJ Lenderman, man, hits so different for me. I’d also say my best friend Scarlet Rae, she slays so hard and I’m a little pissed! I feel like she should be so huge, her music is so insane and she does it all by herself. I love her.
W: Thought you were going to say “feeble fucking little horse!”
S: Oh! feeble little horse, my best friends from Pittsburgh, oh my god! I can’t shut up about them!
They have a new album too coming soon!
S: Yes and it is so fucking good! I am the biggest fan of them. I feel so lucky that I get to see them and know them and I’ve been on tour with them before…I just love their liveset so much and they’re the sweetest people in the world. I’m so excited for them!
W: I’m gonna put on for this new band that I didn’t see, I heard about them at South by but I didn’t see them…but now I got an advance copy of their new album and I’m kind of hooked on it, it’s a band called Sword II. I’m hooked on Sword II… Jack, you were about to say? [motions to Jack] Jack’s in the band too.
What instrument do you play?
Jack: Guitar.
M: I think Poison Ruïn should be famous. Genny! He’s cool. His music is really good. I’ve been listening to it a lot. Pique… good screamo band. Couch Prince!
W: [To Jack] Favorite band right now?
J: Shoutout to Kraus!
W: Also one more to Deadharrie who we’re playing with on May 17th at Purgatory.
M: Bazooka! Shoutout Bazooka!
W: Bazooka. Love Bazooka. We could go on and on, we usually do.
Will, I have a question specifically for you…I know when you’re not doing music you’re a substitute teacher…
W: Who told you that?… Yeah, it’s true.
What’s your favorite or funniest moment you’ve had with a student?
W: Which one?
M: I mean I could even answer.
W: There’s a lot. I’ve had a lot of moments with students. [To Maria] What are you thinking of? I don’t know if you’ve heard this one. You might find this funny. I was subbing one day and it was maybe a bit of a rowdier school, not like crazy, but it was just kind of a quiet moment. The class was let out, he was in middle school and out of nowhere this kid was doing the Naruto run down the hallway and I just heard him say, “It’s giving!!” It was pretty funny. Stuff like that happens all the time. I’m kind of immune to it now.
M: I teach as well and something that always made me laugh was when my students would call me out for wearing Brandy Melville and call me “Brandy Girl” or “Vsco Girl”.
S: Wait, that is so funny.
M: Actually, I caught a student…actually no, nevermind nevermind.
W: Yeah, we’re an educational band.
M: There should be more teachers! And less of other things.
W: Yeah, Facts.
M: Less bands. Less musicians, more teachers.
S: More ping pong players!
I have a few random questions that I was just wondering, do any of you collect anything?
S: I definitely do, I mean I don’t actively but I used to collect a lot of things. I have like thirty-five ugly dolls in my childhood bedroom. Like I really was obsessed with those. I also used to collect those little Pokemon action figures and I had like a full army of them on my desk at home. But I’m not actively collecting. I don’t have space to collect in New York.
M: I think if I could, not collect, but, one of my goals one day is to have a sanctuary for chihuahuas, like older chihuahuas. That’s definitely not a collection, more so a sanctuary. I’d like to have like ten old chihuahuas.
W: I’m with you.
M: Like: “The Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary.”
W: That’s why I’m starting the animals and humans club.
M: Animals and humans club! We both have chihuahuas.
What are their names?
W: Josh.
M: and my chihuahua’s Alf.
O.K. Last question is one we thought of right before we came here. If you were a member of the Kong family what would your adjective be, for example “Lanky Kong, Cranky Kong, Funky Kong…”
W: Is there a reason you asked about Donkey Kong?
My friend was looking through your Instagram…
W: I was wondering… So I’m a huge Donkey Kong Country fan… I could go “Flippy Kong” but that’s not really an adjective…
M: Flippy’s cute!
It doesn’t have to be an adjective!
J: Chewie Kong.
W: Chewie Kong! That’s pretty good.
S: Sippy Kong?
W: Slim Kong? I guess? No… How would we describe ourselves?
M: I would be Sippy Kong…
W: Winky Kong!
M: Winky Kong!
W: Winky Kong, that’s good.
S: I’m Ping Kong.
W: Ping Kong! That’s good!
J: Sarah loves ping pong.
S: Yes I have a special interest in ping pong. I actually have my paddles on me right now.
Everyone: No way!
S: Will note that there’s a ping pong table behind us…
W: Oh my god!… I’m gonna be Slim? Flippy? Slim Kong?
S: Slim Kong is good!
W: O.K. Slim Kong. That’s it.

We all headed back and walked up the four flights of spiraling steps to enter the venue. Inside Project Reach was exactly the way Will described it– just a room, but pretty punk rock. Leather-clad punks and kids in local band shirts flooded the space in perfect harmony. The stage, a space on the floor in the back, was backdropped by bedsheets, stacked amplifiers, and two large light-up signs advertising computer and phone repair. It was immediately clear that the term D.I.Y. was taken to heart.
Phantasia tore up the stage first with their set. Lead singer, Tara Atefi, is powerful with a stage presence like no other. Jumping gracefully around the stage, singing on the floor with a deep voice full of mystère, and staring deeply into the audience, Tara is a force to be reckoned with. Reminiscent of bands like The Cure and Strawberry Switchblade, the dreamy and twee-like instrumentals pair beautifully with the dark vocals.
The following act was Bib, a hardcore group from Omaha, Nebraska. The second the band played their first note my life flashed before my eyes (in the best way possible). The crowd was immediately flipped around and the entire floor became one giant mosh pit. I could barely tell left from right as I was pushed across the floor,stung by the sheer force exuded by every member of the band. Blurring the lines between shoegaze, hardcore, and noise, Bib delivers their anger and aggression with precision and agility.
The show wrapped everything up with Hotline TNT. It seems that every time I see the band I find something new to love. This latest lineup is tight, and plays Will’s songs in an almost transcendent way. Each tune becomes its own being for the night. The band began the gig with my personal favorite from their album Nineteen in Love, “Slider.” It is also the song that made me fall in love with their music. With arguably the catchiest guitar riff they’ve ever written, the song translates to live performance in a dream-like manner, immediately allowing you to lose yourself in its soundscapes. Continuing on to play classics like “Stampede,” “Are U Faded?,” and “Had 2 Try,” along with new material, there was hardly a moment to catch your breath as Hotline TNT demolished us all with great hit after great hit.
For me, however, it’s not even the incredible songs that makes a Hotline TNT show so special every time. It’s the experience that goes along with it. Something about going to see the band always makes me feel like a real person out in the world. I feel free and comfortable in my skin. I feel the way a nineteen year old should. I can bang my head into oblivion as I let the sounds of their instruments wash over me. I’m right there in the crowd, next to my friends, next to everyone else witnessing this moment, and I feel at home.

And of course, it wouldn’t be a proper April 1st without an April Fool. In the midst of TNT’s set, Harrison Patrick Smith emerged from the audience to play a cover of Reptilia by The Strokes along with the band. Reminiscent of early performances by Julian Casablancas, Smith did an almost perfect impression of his raspy, powerhouse vocals and sent everyone into a frenzy. In all of the excitement the mic stand somehow ended up from the front of the stage to the floor on the opposite side of the room. Following the song and the search for the missing mic stand, Smith disappeared once more, returning only at the end to play a “DJ Set” (a.k.a. hopping on the aux cord and standing in the corner as everyone dispersed for the night) which included music from Lil’ B, Beck, Color Plus, and even, shamelessly, his own song, “Girls.”
It was another night for the books and one I will likely always remember. It served as the perfect reminder for why I keep coming back time and time again for Hotline TNT and everyone else they bring in tow. There’s just simply nothing else out there quite like them. If you ever get the chance to see Hotline TNT, go for it, because if your experience is anything like mine, it will be truly unforgettable.